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韋瓦第 四季貼紙 防水貼紙



韋瓦第四季貼紙 樂章詩句 以韋瓦第四季樂章為發想,依據各樂章相應的短詩,繪成一系列插畫。 「春」: Largo 廣版 芳草鮮美的草原上,枝葉沙沙作響,喃喃低語;牧羊人安詳地打盹,腳旁睡著夏日懶狗。 【Spring】Largo: On the flower-strewn meadow, with leafy branches rustling overhead, the goat-herd sleeps, his faithful dog beside him. 「夏」: Allegro non molto - Allegro 不太快的快版 奄奄一息的人們和動物躺在熾熱無情的太陽底下,松樹彷彿就要起火; 杜鵑高歌著, 加入斑鳩和金翅雀的行列中。 微風輕拂,但很快地大風捲起; 若有風雨欲來之勢,牧羊人被突如其來的狂風驚嚇。 【Summer】Allegro non molto: Beneath the blazing sun's relentless heat, men and flocks are sweltering, pines are scorched. We hear the cuckoo's voice; then sweet songs of the turtle dove and finch are heard. Soft breezes stir the air.but threatening north wind sweeps them suddenly aside. The shepherd trembles, fearful of violent storm and what may lie ahead. 「秋」: Adagio molto 極柔版 在歌聲及舞蹈停止之時,大地重回寧靜,萬物隨莊稼的人們在秋高氣爽中一同進入夢鄉。 【Autumn】Adagio molto: The singing and the dancing die away as cooling breezes fan the pleasant air, inviting all to sleep without a care. 「冬」: Largo 廣版 在滂沱大雨中坐在火爐旁,度過安靜而美好的時光。 【Winter】Largo: To rest contentedly beside the hearth, while those outside are drenched by pouring rain.
