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青黛玫瑰果油冷制皂 Rosehip Oil Indigo Bar



青黛有助改善暗瘡、粉刺問題,殺菌消炎,可調節肌膚角質過度增生,淡化痘印,於肌表形成保護膜,加強皮膚抵抗力 天然植萃配方,能為肌膚鎖水並軟化角質同時促進角質更新,達到溫和潔淨的效果,清潔護膚並重。 玫瑰果油溫和深層的清潔,讓肌膚保持平衡油脂,提升保濕力。 適用於肌膚油性肌膚,面部易出油部位及身體背部。純天然成分,孕婦可用。 Indigo Naturalis (Qing-dai in Traditional Chinese Medicine) is a substance extracted from the stems and leaves of the plant Baphicacanthus. It is extensively used in Traditional Chinese medicine to treat various inflammatory conditions. Properties of this plant produce characteristics that are anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral and aids the immune system in fighting infection. Rose hips are the fruit of roses and can be found under the flower’s petals. The nutrient rich seeds, pressed to produce rose hip oil are rich in vitamins A, C, E, antioxidants and essential fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6. These fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and can reduce signs of aging, uneven pigmentation. Suitable for oily or acne prone skin, and can be used as a facial soap. Indigo naturalis, Rosehip oil, honey, jojoba oil, olive oil, coconut oil, shea butter, palm oil, wheat germ oil, sodium hydroxide (sea salt)
